Ace French Polishing
Furniture restoration, refurbishment &
2 pak coating of joinery for
kitchens and shopfitting
Sunshine Coast
Phone: 0421 731 929
Furniture Restoration, Joinery polishing, Timber finishing, Antique restoration
The Sunshine Coasts specialist in 2 pac coating of timber panels and joinery for many large and small commercial applications. Shopfitters, kitchen manufacturers, unit developers are all amongst Ace French Polishing's satisfied customers. We will do whatever is required to help you meet urgent deadlines in your projects.

You can finish your project knowing that the quality of the timber finishing will exceed expectations everytime.
At Ace French Polishing we use Evic non yellowing 2 pac polyurethane coatings in gloss , matt or anything in between depending on the finish you require on your timber. UV stabalized an option. Perfect colour matching to you sample is guaranteed.
Your projects sometimes will have issues with deadlines casued by other suppliers. Ace French Polishing do everything in our power to ensure we help you get back on track with those seemingly out of reach deadlines. Which could include calling in all the troops and reaching for the No Doze.
Ace French Polishings' efficiency allows us to be very competitive in project work.
From clear or colour stained with 2 pac lacquer finish our prices range between $45 - $55 per square metre.
Coupled with our commitment to keep your project on schedule - as the saying goes "Time is money"